This is a video debate format where a supporter from heliocentric and geo-centric will have 90 seconds to debate topics related to both models. For the sake of the game “Facts” are set aside in the sense that regardless of what you believe, that can not be enough to motivate your decision as a juror.
Each participant must wager 1$ as well as record a win/lose set of 30 second videos in the event your adjudicated the losing side the video will be posted here as a matter of record in the “Past Debates” section.
The purse of 2$ will be donated to a non profit related to either model and the loser must suffer the shame of having money you worked for go to a set of ideas you don’t support.
I do sit on a heliocentric understanding that’s why I will never be a juror .
I will be adding a form potential juror's form to be filled out in an attempt at making impartiality.
I’m very open to idea and help on my idea to make a fun and separate place to engage people on for a good cause and without the restrictions and cryptic vernacular.
Feel free to reach out if you wanna help or if you have any ideas